Changing Perceptions Online
A Place To Focus More On God Instead of Self

I’m Just Saying!!!

All I can say and even think about is the goodness of Jesus and all that He has done for me.  These past few months I have come to know how weak I can become without Jesus in my life and how strong I am with him staying right where he is in my life, which is the center and the foundation of all I hope, know and long for.  Daily I am learning whether by choice or mistake that God has already done all that I have already asked of him to do.  Beyond the anointing and power and everything else I relentlessly prayed for from God, I have reached a point of my life of where I just let it all go.  As much as I would love to sing like the men and women of God I look up too and preach as they do, that’s not a need God has to provide for me.  As much as I would love to give the people I love especially my son the best there is, that is not a need God has to provide.  As much as I would love to live a blameless and upright life for God every minute, that is not a need either.  Who I am kidding and fooling other than myself and those around me?  Certainly not God.  He knows my heart and my desires better than myself.  As much as I would love to reach thousands of people and for them to come to know Jesus Christ, out of those thousands that I may want to pursue or others pursue, my heart is always led to that one lost in the crowd.  For I would rather reach one and know that their life has completely been transformed by the power of God, than to be surrounded by many whose lives remain hidden and heart’s closed to the knowledge of Christ.  As much as I would love to speak before people and be seen, I’d rather sit here in front of my computer unknown, with no titles or fame in order for people to receive Jesus Christ for who He is and not for who I am in Christ. 

There are many days I sit wondering and praying for those who come across this site.  As much as I would love to know everyone personally and one’s problems, I can’t.  To be honest I try not to concern myself with them and I try by the Word of God to help you not be concern by them either.  We have enough people agreeing with the negative and the bad.  We do that enough ourselves.  Nothing gives me greater joy than to help someone realize who they really are.  My heart is not concerned with whether or not your many prayers be answered.  My heart is not constantly in warfare for your many woe’s.  I long for you to receive the Word of God over everything.  I will only give you the Word of God.  What greater joy is there than knowing who God is and knowing the very words that comes from the very heart and mind of such a wonderful God?  All I’m saying is this…. Instead of trying to figure out who you are and who everyone else is, focus on who God is.  You may ask who is God?  Well I could go on forever of who is He is.  But do know this.  That Jesus Christ is the one and only.  He is closer than any friend and more loving than any relative.  His heart is always open to you and his lips are always speaking good about you.

Be Bless


2 Responses to “I’m Just Saying!!!”

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    • Hi there,

      thank you for your comment. Does my heart well to know you were led to this site. Pray all is well with you and hope to hear from you again. Feel free to write me anytime.

      Be Bless


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